Naylgled replied

337 weeks ago

Bravest Warriors Full Movie Download In Hindi > DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

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Four teenage heroes-for-hire warp through the universe to save adorable aliens and their worlds using the power of their emotions.
This show is so awesome, any who enjoyed the randomness of shows like SpongeBob Squarepants and Adventure Time will love this. Animation is crisp and has great scripting and story lining. No flaws whatsoever. Bravest warriors follows the story of 4 teenagers who go around the galaxy helping people much like Finn and Jake in Adventure Time. They go on many random adventures and have amazing characters such as Catbug, Impossibear and The Emotion Lord. This show is recommended to anyone who enjoys great laughs while being appropriate for younger viewers although the TV show would debatably be recommended for an older audience to appreciate some of the humour.
I love love love love LOVE Adventure Time and all, but my friend, I hate hate hate hate HATE Bravest Warriors. I laughed when I saw this had an 8.5/10 and the next day, it fell down to an 8.4/10. Ha ha ha, that was so funny to see. I saw 5 episodes of this pathetic internet show, and oh my gag, they were not just awful, but they were EXTREMELY, SUPER TERRIBLE and VERY HORRIBLY RETARDED as well. I'm shocked that their lowest rated episode has a 6.8/10 while Family Guy's lowest rated episode was a THREE point eight out of 10 (It's all because Brian Griffin passes away, am I right?). A 1/10 is very generous to give this title, YET IT GETS AN 8.4/10?! That's messed up!

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